Showing 141 – 160 of 232 results
Final web discover salisbury issue 6
Salisbury Swimming Pool Opening Day AT SALISBURY RECREATION PRECINCT 12 noon to 4pm free inflatables and pool activities for the kids. 7 OCT LABOUR DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY 6 OCT
FINAL WEB Discover Salisbury Issue 6
Salisbury Swimming Pool Opening Day AT SALISBURY RECREATION PRECINCT 12 noon to 4pm free inflatables and pool activities for the kids. 7 OCT LABOUR DAY PUBLIC HOLIDAY 6 OCT
28032023 Minutes Council Assessment Panel
2017 and cannot be planted within 10 metres of an existing dwelling or in-ground swimming pool. • If the development relates to a regulated tree – 2 trees to replace a regulated tree
Edition 50 Salisbury Aware Winter 2016
, golf, karate, kindi-sports, martial arts, netball, rowing, scouts, soccer, softball, taekwondo, t-ball, swimming, squash, tennis and volleyball. Best of all – It is FREE! If your child does choose
15022022 Agenda and Reports Youth Council
swimming, board paddling, surf rescue and beach safety. Due to COVID-19 and the nature of this activity, this activity was postponed. Upcoming programs and events: February - April 2022 PROGRAM DATE
15022022 Agenda and Reports Youth Council
of Playford & Surf Life Saving SA, Twelve25 staff hosted this beach safety day at Henley Beach Surf Life Saving Club. CALD young people participated in free beach activities including: basic swimming
FINAL Discover Salisbury Issue 3 2018 web
to 3pm Mon, Wed & Fri Cost: $8.50 including skate hire. 7 OCT Daylight Saving starts at 2am 7 OCT Salisbury Swimming Pool Opening Day AT SALISBURY RECREATION PRECINCT 12
09052022 Agenda and Reports Asset Management Sub Committee
of shallow and deep connected pools to promote the growth of different plant species which filter the water differently, for nutrients or sediment. 4.27 The detention Criteria would be the Flood Risk
Lindblom Reserve Strategic Master Plan Report
and deeply incised watercourse flows across the relatively flat upper floodplain through the suburb of Pooraka. Water pools rarely occur. • Mature Eucalyptus camaldulensis trees and Acacia salicina
2019 minutes council meeting 4183583
and Swimming Pool Inspection Policy 1. The Information be received. 2. The Building and Swimming Pool Inspection Policy as set out in Attachment 1 to this report (Resources and Governance, 18/02/2019
16102023 Minutes Urban Services Committee
Playspaces (Fully fenced) • Bean Park Pooraka • Canterbury Drive Reserve Salisbury Heights • Lake Windemere Salisbury North • Happy Home Reserve Salisbury North (near swimming centre) • Kentish Green
2016 agenda and reports council meeting 3351903
Council Agenda - 26 September 2016 City of Salisbury Minutes of the Council Meeting 22/08/2016 GENERAL BUSINESS GB1 Salisbury Recreation Precinct Swimming Pool Filtration System Replacement Moved Cr J
other than the roof catchment into below-ground tanks. Roofs should be secure and the sides and bottom of tanks should be sealed to prevent ingress. Swimming in storage tanks should be prevented
16 04 2018 agenda and reports works and services committee
and Surrounds �� �� Carisbrooke Park Regional �� �� Regional �� �� Happy Home Reserve (within swimming centre) Unity Park Regional ��Separated from playspace and rest of reserve The Paddocks Regional Toilet
Corporate plan 2003 2006
solar energy system at the Salisbury Swimming Centre in partnership with the University of South Australia • Work with the building industry to create a framework for the active promotion of energy
FINAL Salisbury Senior Magazine Issue 30 web
. Operated by expert leisure facility management company, BlueFit, the Centre currently offers a comprehensive Health Club, 4-lane lap pool, program pool, and café. BlueFit also offers swimming lessons
Edition 47 Salisbury Aware Winter 2015
Daylight Saving 4 October: Starts 3am, put your clocks forward one hour. Labour Day 5 October: Public Holiday Salisbury Swimming Centre 12 October: Grab your swimming gear as the pool opens
18 11 2019 agenda and reports budget and finance committee
CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS 6.9.1 Salisbury Recreation Prescinct Swimming Pool Filtration System Recommendation Pursuant to section 83(5) of the Local Government Act 1999 the Chief Executive Officer has
28022023 Minutes Council Assessment Panel
within 10 metres of an existing dwelling or inground swimming pool; City of Salisbury Page 11 Council Assessment Panel Minutes - 28 February 2023 Minutes - Council Assessment Panel Meeting - 28
27022024 Minutes CAP
(4)(b) of the Planning, Development and Infrastructure (General) Regulations 2017, and cannot be planted within 10 metres of an existing dwelling or inground swimming pool. 6. The clearance of trees