Showing 181 – 200 of 232 results
27 07 2020 minutes council meeting
Inc. iii. Salisbury North Football Club b. Commercial Leases including (refer Resolution 0654 of 24/08/2020) Parnil Pty Ltd (Parafield Gardens Swimming Centre) 3. That Council endorse the declaration
26042023 Minutes Council Assessment Panel
within 10 metres of an existing dwelling or inground swimming pool. City of Salisbury Page 11 Council Assessment Panel Minutes - 26 April 2023 Minutes - Council Assessment Panel Meeting - 26 April 2023 7
26042023 Minutes Council Assessment Panel
or inground swimming pool. City of Salisbury Page 11 Council Assessment Panel Minutes - 26 April 2023 Minutes - Council Assessment Panel Meeting - 26 April 2023 7. Rainwater tank storage shall be provided
18 11 2019 agenda and reports works and services committee
Home Reserve – Swimming Centre. The portion of land currently contains and easement to South Australian Power Networks (SAPN) Page 27 Works and Services Committee Agenda - 18 November 2019 City
12 08 2019 agenda and reports sport recreation and grants committee
@ $250 One application has been received to represent South Australia at the School Sport Australia Swimming Championships to be held in Melbourne in July 2019. 1 @ $250 One applications have been
04122023 Agenda and Reports Environmental Sustainability and Trees Sub Committee
grants to local governments for improvements that may include: � replacing high energy use heating in council pools with energy saving heat pumps � installing energy efficient lighting at sporting fields
12 10 2020 agenda and reports innovation and business development sub committee
new food premises (Average 4 per year). 3.1.4 Food safety education (As required). 3.1.5 Health premises inspections: �� Pools (3 per year); and �� Hairdressers (6 per year). 3.1.6 Environmental health
FINAL Issue 26 February to May 2023 V1 web
projects, for example the influence on the design of the new swimming centre and City Centre revitalisation. DAIN is about supporting people with disability, their families and carers to: • take part more
12122023 Agenda and Reports Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee
is well planned and our centres are active The construction of the Salisbury Aquatic Centre is now well advanced with the three new pools poured and tiling now commenced. The installation of the new
City of Salisbury Sustainability Strategy Community Engagement Report FINAL
buildings should be converted to fully electric - that means electric heating and cooling, electric hot water, and electric cooking where applicable. Any pools managed by the council should also switch
Edition 60 Salisbury Aware Summer 2019
Gillian Aldridge OAM Summer is in full swing and our social calendars are filling fast, from barbeques with friends and family and festive parties to trips to the swimming pool to cool off
2016 minutes council meeting 3379489
Zahra Seconded Cr G Caruso 1. That the Building and Swimming Pool Inspection Policy 2016, forming Attachment 1 to this report (Item No. 3.6.1, Resources and Governance Committee, 17/10/2016
18042023 Agenda and Reports Innovation and Business Development Committee
community centres, hospitals and swimming centres. This is a consistent response with previous community consultations. Changes in Legislative Requirements 3.4 The Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA
Edition 52 Salisbury Aware Autumn 2017
exploring a variety of sports in her youth including dancing, swimming and athletics, she finally found her place in soccer. “One time I played soccer with a bunch of boys. I liked the aggression
Strategic Growth Framework Waterloo Corner Bolivar Corridor Appendix 3 Deloitte Economic Vision for Salisbury
for several important industry sectors, placing Salisbury at the economic centre of the broader northern Adelaide region. These assets and talent pools underpin a series of key sectors in the local
19 09 2016 agenda and reports budget and finance committee
6.1.1 Structural remedial works at the Salisbury Swimming Pool $301k were placed on hold in 2015/16 whilst works associated with the new filtration system continued to be resolved. Funding was received
27 04 2021 minutes council meeting
at the Australian Age Swimming Championships to be held in the Gold Coast, Queensland from the 9th – 11th April 2021. 5.1.2 Community Grants Program Applications for April 2021 1. The information
Edition 46 Salisbury Aware Autumn 2015
Its_MB@ Nov 25 @CityOfSalisbury I like the outside gym by the Salisbury swimming centre. Are there any more in the area or any plans for more? Joshua Kyle Lay JoshuaKyleLay@ Nov 13 @CityOfSalisbury
11 02 2019 agenda and reprots sport recraetion and grants committee
, skiing and swimming. However, not all leisure activities are sportive. It may also include painting, drawing, reading, listening to music or meditating. Exploration of this as a criterion requires some
12 06 2018 agenda and reports sport recreation and grants committee
@ $250 One application has been received to represent South Australia at the School Sport Australia Swimming Championships to be held in Hobart, Tasmania in July 2018. 1 @ $250 One application has