City Dashboard
Baseline | Latest Data | Trend | Detailed Insight | |
A Welcoming and liveable city |
Population | 143,560 | - | - | data sheet |
Community perception of quality of life | 75% | - | - | - |
Proportion of people born overseas | 31% | - | - | data sheet |
Reported crime per 10,000 people | 857 | - | - | - |
Housing affordability | 43.4% | - | - | - |
SEIFA Index of Advantage and Disadvantage | 908 | - | - | data sheet |
Proportion of working population with Certificate 4 and above qualifications | 50.9% | - | - | data sheet |
A Sustainable City |
Tree Canopy Coverage | 18% | - | - | |
Number of severe heat days in previous year | 41 | 20 | ▼ | data sheet |
Water usage per household | TBC | - | - | - |
Domestic waste generated | 53,711 tonnes | 56,177 tonnes | ▲ | - |
Proportion of dwellings with solar panels | 36.5% | 39.3% | ▲ | data sheet |
Area covered by mangroves Note: Information on the mangrove dieback can be found on the Department of Energy and Mining site here and The Advertiser article here. The latest data will be published when available. |
13.4 km2 |
dieback data TBA | - | data sheet |
A growing City that creates new opportunities |
Gross regional product | $6.43 billion | $6.73 billion | ▲ | data sheet |
Local jobs | 53,587 | - | - | data sheet |
Actively trading businesses | 7,234 | 7,430 | ▲ | data sheet |
Value of development approvals | $196 million | $305 million | ▲ | data sheet |
Unemployment rate | 8.41% | 9.7% | ▲ | data sheet |
Innovation and Business Development |
Financial sustainability | Operating Surplus Ratio - 9.9% Net Financial Liabilities Ratio - 2.4% Asset Sustainability Ratio - 82.2% |
1.48% 63.45% 129% |
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Safety (lost time injury frequency rate) | 8.4 days | 2.5 | ▼ | - |
Values - staff perception survey | TBD | - | - | - |
Community experience | Customer requests responded to within 10 days - 94.4% Customer Satisfaction - 65% |
93.7% 70% |
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