Walkleys Road Corridor
The City of Salisbury identifies council-owned land for development, creating well-designed communities with diverse housing options and beautiful landscapes to attract new residents and increase local housing.
Council is now progressing the housing development at the Walkley’s Road Corridor site.
The Walkley’s Road Corridor development concept plan was approved by Council after four rounds of community consultation and consideration of feedback received.
Surrounded by predominantly residential housing, the site is well located to local bus routes, an activity centre (Ingle Farm District Centre), primary schools, places of worship and open space. The development is only 7 minutes from Mawson Lakes, 6km from Tea Tree Plaza and 12km to the Adelaide CBD.
The project will be the City of Salisbury’s largest residential development, providing new and existing residents with the opportunity to live in an inclusive, well planned, affordable and aspirational location. The development aims to create living choices through a range of housing types and design outcomes that integrate with the existing character of Ingle Farm.
Wide shared footpaths, bikeways and new green streetscapes that are well connected to amenities will frame the development. Several high-quality open green spaces are planned throughout the development that will be easily accessible by the community.
Project status
The planning application was lodged in June 2024. Once approved development construction works can commence on the Walkleys Road Corridor housing development. It is anticipated that this will commence in 2025, including installation of required services, construction of new roadways and the implementation of traffic management treatments. The first release of housing allotments is also due to occur in 2025.
I have more questions, who can I contact?
Please contact the City of Salisbury's Strategic Development Projects team on S3@salisbury.sa.gov.au or 08) 8406 8222.

Why was this site chosen for a development?
When Walkleys Road was first planned back in the late 1960's to early 70's, it was intended that this site would one day become an arterial road extension of Walkleys Road to Port Wakefield Road. Sufficient land was reserved for new road infrastructure. However plans changed, and a portion of the land abutting Bridge Road was developed as a retirement village (off of Bridge Road and Burri Street). This means that the remaining portion of the site between Montague Road and Bridge Road is no longer needed for its original intent. As a result, Council identified this site for potential development of future housing and open space facilities.
What sort of development will happen on this site?
The Walkleys Road Corridor site will become a housing development, with a range of lot sizes and housing choices, including some traditional lot sizes through to smaller, low maintenance lots, and townhouses. The areas identified as 'super lots' will be created for further subdivision and integrated development in collaboration with a project partner.
The total number of houses proposed in the development is around 220.
Having a variety of housing types provides future residents with greater choice. All housing will be guided by the State's Planning and Design Code that applies throughout Greater Adelaide as well as design guidelines developed by Council to ensure quality and sustainable design outcomes.
Other development on the site will include civil works required to support the development of housing, a new district level playspace, landscaped reserve areas with public facilities such as toilets, shelters, BBQ's and parking spaces at Baloo Reserve.
How will traffic be managed in and around the development?
Throughout consultation, the community raised various concerns regarding traffic issues such as rat running, speeding and on street parking.
In response to the concerns raised, Council has considered the issues and undertaken investigations to seek ways in which to mitigate the issues raised. Council will implement some traffic mitigation measures in determined locations in the early stages of the project.
How will trees and vegetation be protected throughout the development?
Retention of trees throughout the development is a priority. Where tree and vegetation removal is required to enable development, Councils intent is to renew, reuse or recycle. The Baloo Street Playspace will be built with recycled and reused materials and trees.
What are the next steps?
The project will occur over five civil construction stages to prepare the area for land development. The release of allotments to the public will occur over stages with the first stage commencing in early 2025.
Civil works will include the construction of two new streets, detention basins, installation of service authority infrastructure, realignment of existing services, removal of some trees, landscaping of new and existing reserves, additional tree plantings and the construction of a shared pathway to link the new and existing community to facilities and amenities.
The construction of the $2 million District Level play space will occur at the same time as the construction of the first stage which is expected in early 2025.
The project is expected to be completed within five years.
When will construction on site commence?
The first stage of construction is due to commence in 2025.
What community consultation has occurred?
There have been four stages of community consultation undertaken on the project to date. Stage five consultation will occur throughout November 2024, seeking feedback from the community for the concepts provided for the Baloo Street Playspace.
Stage 1 (January 2021) – Understand comunity views about potential development at the site.
Stage 2 (March- May 2021) – Gather feedback from the community on the Draft Concept Plan, to enable finalisation.
Stage 3 (April - May 2023) – Inform the community of finalisation of the Draft Concept Plan and gather input to inform the design of the Baloo Reserve Playspace.
Stage 4 (July-August 2023) – Public consultation process required for land revocation (legislative requirement). No objections were received from the community during this consultation period.
Stage 5 (November 2024) – Consultations on concepts for the Baloo Street Playspace.
What's planned for the open space located at Baloo Street and Sullivan Road?
A district level playspace will be built on the corner of Baloo Street and Sullivan Road in 2025.
How can I get further information or be kept informed on the project?
If you have any queries regarding the project, you can call or email the project team:
T: 8406 8222
E: s3@salisbury.sa.gov.au
View the Concept Plans
FINAL Walkleys Road Corridor Concept Plan
Draft Final Concept Plan - August 2021
Draft Concept Plan - March 2021
View the Community Engagement Reports
Community Engagement
The third stage of Community Engagement conducted in May 2023 was to provide the community with the Final Concept Plan that was informed from feedback as well as seek input on the new district level play space has now concluded. The summary report is available via the following link.
View the Traffic and Parking Issues Fact Sheet
This fact sheet has been prepared to provide some further details on traffic and parking issues raised from the first round of community engagement, with responses as to how we've considered them.