Showing 101 – 120 of 3790 results
16032022 Agenda and Reports Para Hills Community Hub Precinct Sub Committee
with Council This report provides an overview of the Para Hills Community Hub including its programs and services. A presentation on its contents will be provided at the Para Hills Community Hub Precinct
Edition 34 Salisbury Aware Autumn 2011
and Finance Chairman – Cr Linda Caruso Governance Chairman – Cr David Balaza Works & Services Chairman – Cr Alex Coates JP Audit Chairman – Mr Peter Brass Committee and Council meetings are open
10052022 Agenda and Reports Para Hills Community Hub Precinct Sub Committee
community receive an exceptional experience when interacting with Council This report provides an overview of the Para Hills Community Hub including its current programs and services. A presentation
The Australia Day Citizen of the Year Awards Winners 2018
served as Chair during the time that his eleven children attended that school- and for which the Minister of Education awarded Alun a Certificate of Appreciation for 25 year service. In past years Alun
Annual Plan 2021-2022
Appendix A - Long Term Financial Plan 124 SALISBURY ANNUAL PLAN 21/22 5 Executive Summary Purpose The Annual Plan details Council’s services, including new services and projects, together
The Haunting History of Salisbury Booklet
was transferred to the South Australian Public Library service in 1976. 23 Currently the building plays host to the Twelve25 Youth Centre. It is believed the Institute is haunted by a male ghost who has
FINAL Annual Report 2022 23 low res
at the forefront of the projects. This financial year has also seen upgrades to the Operations Centre to better service the community, and upgrades in Council’s technology platform to ensure that our systems
Youth strategic action plan 2017 2021
– and crucially, they will also make up the human services that will provide for an ageing workforce and population, and other social provisions we will all need across the lifespan. The experiences they encounter
1 welcome to salisbury information booklet with hyperlinks vietnamese v2
di chuyển có thể nhận được các thứ mượn của thư viện giao đến tận nhà từ Dịch Vụ Thư Viện Tại Nhà Home Librarary Service. Gọi số 84068341 để biết thêm thông tin. Các thư viện của Salisbury cũng cung
2016 minutes development assessment panel 3420690
PRESENT Mr D Wallace (Presiding Member) Mr R Bateup Ms L Caruso Ms S Johnston Mr G Reynolds Mr S White STAFF General Manager City Development, Mr T Sutcliffe Manager Development Services, Mr C
1 welcome to salisbury information booklet with hyperlinks tamil v3
;Gfs; Mfpad cs;slq;f gyjug;gl;l NritfisAk;> epfo;r;rpfisAk; ,e;j efuit toq;FfpwJ. $Ljyhf> muG> rPdk;> ,j;jhypak;> lr;R> f;NkH> n[Hkhdpak;> Nghyp\;> fpNuf;fk;> ];ghdpak;> ,e;jp> kw;Wk; tpal;ehkpak; Nghd
FINAL WEB Discover Salisbury Issue 7 2019
Potting Mix Paralowie Garden. 1pm to 2.30pm. Cost: $4 Bookings: 8406 8225 9 NOV CREDIT UNION CHRISTMAS PAGEANT 11 NOV Remembrance Day Service AT SALISBURY MEMORIAL 10.35am Orange Ave, Salisbury Phone
Final web discover salisbury issue 7 2019
Potting Mix Paralowie Garden. 1pm to 2.30pm. Cost: $4 Bookings: 8406 8225 9 NOV CREDIT UNION CHRISTMAS PAGEANT 11 NOV Remembrance Day Service AT SALISBURY MEMORIAL 10.35am Orange Ave, Salisbury Phone
2018 minutes council meeting 4020979
: DEPUTATIONS / PRESENTATIONS 10 Year Service Award For Cr Julie Woodman Mayor Aldridge presented a certificate of service to Cr Woodman in recognition of 10 years as an Elected Member at the City
21062022 Minutes Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee
(specialist make-up services). 2. Approve, in the absence of a second applicant for the TAFE/RTO category, awarding Latishamarie Francis a $1,000 Scholarship for one year. 3. Approve, from 2023, increasing
Salisbury town centre market research final report june 2011
or services at Salisbury Town Centre]Q7 7. Other (SPECIFY Q101) 8. Don’t know / can’t say IF 6 IN Q1, JP TO Q7 GO Q2 Q101 USE OF SALISBURY TOWN CENTRE OTHER OTHER REASONS FOR VISITING AREA. “Is there anything
Market research final report
for visiting the Salisbury Town Centre (STC) was to access shops and / or services in the area. A similar proportion of those intercepted at the STC visited the other shops and services as visited Parabanks