Council is supported by eight committees
Audit and Risk
In line with section 126 of the Local Government Act 1999 (the Act) the committee will, with the adoption of a strategic risk outlook:
- Satisfy itself that appropriate policies, practices and procedures of internal control are implemented and maintained.
- Ensure that these controls are appropriate for achieving the council’s goals and objectives, safeguarding the council’s assets and as far as possible maintaining the accuracy and reliability of council records.
- Satisfy itself that the organisation is meeting its fiduciary and legislative responsibilities.
Presiding Member
CEO Review
The CEO Review Committee is established to monitor the performance of the Chief Executive Officer.
Presiding Member
Community Wellbeing and Sport
The Community Wellbeing and Sport Committee oversees the development of strategic policies and procedures affecting the future development of the City and advises Council on:
- Sporting and Community Club Development
- Community Health and Wellbeing Services:
- homelessness
- community safety
- intercultural diversity
- social development programs
- Youth Sponsorship Program
- Minor Capitol Works Grant Program
- Sport and Community Grants Programs
- Libraries and Community Centres Programs and Activities
Presiding Member
Finance and Corporate Services
The Finance and Corporate Services Committee oversees the development of strategic policies and procedures affecting the future development of the City and advises Council on:
- Finance
- Financial Sustainability
- the Annual Plan and Budget
- Rating
- Business Enabling functions
- IT
- marketing / media
- people / culture
- Management Reporting
Presiding Member
Governance and Compliance
The Governance and Compliance Committee oversees the development of strategic policies and procedures affecting the future development of the City by advising Council on:
- Development Control Administration
- Health, Animal Management and By-Laws
- External Relations
- Corporate Management
- Corporate Governance
Presiding Member
Innovation and Business Development
The Innovation and Business Development Committee is charged with providing advice to the Council in identifying economic development opportunities, improving the services provided to the community, and overseeing the following functions:
- Business Initiatives:
- NAWMA - transforming waste
- Salisbury Water
- Building Services
- Cemetery
- Business Development and Transformation
- Community Experience and Quality Outcomes
- COVID-10 program delivery
Presiding Member
Policy and Planning
The Policy and Planning Committee oversees the development and facilitation of strategic partnerships; the development, review and amendment of Council policies, plans, strategies and the develoment and review of strategic policies and procedures affecting the future development of the City by advising Council on:
- City Plan - Strategic Planning
- Community Development - Social Planning Policy
- Economic Development
- tourism
- investment attraction
- advocacy
- Recreation Planning and Development
- Environmental Sustainability
- Urban Development
- Strategic Asset Management
- Development Planning
Presiding Member
Urban Services
The Urban Services Committee is charged with overseeing the development of strategic policies and procedures afecting the future develoment of the City and advises Council on the following functions:
- Infrastructure Delivery
- Traffic Engineering
- Landscaping
- Asset Maintenance
- Property Management
- Strategic Projects Delivery
- Sustainability Programs
- waste
- water
- energy
- biodiversity
Presiding Member
Meeting Schedule
The Policy and Planning, Finance and Corporate Services, Urban Services, Governance and Compliance Committees meet on the third Monday of each month.
The Innovation and Business Development and the Community wellbeing and Sport Committees meet on the third Tuesday of the month.
The Audit and Risk Committee of Council meets five times a year as required with the CEO Review Committee meeting four times a year as required.
In addition to the Committees listed above, Council has a Council Assessment Panel (CAP). It will also from time-to-time create additional Committees or Sub Committees for specific purposes.
Committee meetings are open to the public. The Agenda and Minutes for each Committee meeting are public documents and are available on this website or from the Salisbury Community Hub.
Download a copy of the 2024 Formal Meeting Schedule. Please note that the schedule may be subject to change.