Burial Services
A place to remember, to cherish loved ones who have been lost and to provide comfort to those who are without them is paramount. Burial sites are a constant place of remembrance for years to come as people pay tribute and renew cherished memories.
Ensuring you choose the correct site can be a difficult and painful task. Below is a summary of the services provided at Salisbury Memorial Park. If you require further information please contact our friendly and courteous staff who are always on hand to help.
Three distinct areas are available for the purpose of burial within Salisbury Memorial Park. To download a document with the most current fees, charges and license terms, visit the Salisbury Memorial Park fees section.
Lawn Graves
Set in beautiful green lawns, these sites are the most utilised and affordable within Salisbury Memorial park. They also incorporate the Orthodox section.
The coffin or casket is buried directly into the earth and the lawn is then grown over the site.

Vault Section
The vault section allows for the burial of a coffin or casket below ground level. Concrete walls surround the burial plot so that the earth does not come into direct contact with the burial container.
Fully reinforced concrete walls and a floor are poured simultaneously, ensuring there are no cracks or joins in the finished vault.
Fees include the cost of a double, solid concrete vault poured on-site. The plot size in the vault section is significantly wider and longer than any other section of the cemetery, and height restrictions set in all other sections of the cemetery do not apply.
This allows the client to fix the height of the monument with the approval of the Manager prior to construction.
50 or 99 year licenses can be purchased for this section.