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Showing 1981 – 2000 of 2082 results

Events Community Event Sponsorship Program 2022 Application Form

not-for profit status ☐ Provide a signed copy of committee minutes endorsing the event, authorising an application to the Community Event Sponsorship Program and documenting the authorised project contact ☐

Community Event Sponsorship Program 2023 Application Form

of committee minutes endorsing the event, authorising an application to the Community Event Sponsorship Program and documenting the authorised project contact ☐ Provide letters of support for the event
Development Council Major Strategic Property Walkleys Road Corridor

Walkleys Road Corridor

, an activity centre (Ingle Farm District Centre), primary schools, places of worship and open space. The development is only 7 minutes from Mawson Lakes, 6km from Tea Tree Plaza and 12km to the Adelaide CBD

FINAL Asphalt Surfacing 2023 Generic

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or surfacing teams at least 30 minutes before leaving, so they can minimise any delays due to machinery working in your street. City of Salisbury 4 Asphalt Surfacing The Contractor’s work team

Final proposed community hub faqs

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from the MPH Architects report were presented to Council as part of Item 1.10.2, Policy and Planning, 20 July 2015 within the confidential agenda, which has now been taken off confidentiality. The MPH

Thrive Strategy Final

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agenda. THRiVE provides a wellbeing framework to focus our collaborative efforts on initiatives that will make a meaningful impact on our community members’ sense of wellbeing. THRiVE was shaped

FOR CONSULTATION Draft City Plan 2040

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to the State agendas and can influence the Council’s actions to deliver on our vision for the City of Salisbury. DRAFT CITY PLAN 2040 — ONLY FOR CONSULTATION Page 6 Please provide your feedback

Events Community Event Sponsorship Program 2022 Guidelines and Eligibility

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the application; • Certificate of incorporation demonstrating not-for-profit status; • Signed copy of committee minutes endorsing the event, authorising an application to the CESP and documenting the authorised

Community Event Sponsorship Program 2023 Guidelines and Eligibility

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the head of the organisation supporting the application; · Certificate of incorporation demonstrating not-for-profit status; · Signed copy of committee minutes endorsing the event, authorising


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with the pump and filter operating. Wait 10 - 15 minutes before testing. Calcium hardness To prevent scale formation, calcium hardness should be checked once a week. The ideal range of calcium hardness is 150

Community event sponsorship program 2021 guidelines and eligibility

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; • Signed copy of committee minutes endorsing the event, authorising an application to the CESP and documenting the authorised project contact. IMPORTANT Incomplete applications will be considered non

Current guide to completing the community grants program application form effective 24 november 2020

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by and from among the members of the association, or by representatives appointed by the member organisations). Evidence must be provided by way of meeting minutes that the group/organisation’s

Community consultation outcomes july 2012

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ITEM STCSC1 (1) DATE 9 July 2012 SALISBURY TOWN CENTRE SUB-COMMITTEE HEADING AUTHOR Community Consultation Outcomes Luke Gray; Development Officer - Planning; Urban Policy & Planning; City Development

Salisbury Aquatic Centre Swim School Enrolment

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: All lessons are 30 minutes and will be held on the following days Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Sunday 4.00pm – 6.00pm 4.00pm – 6.00pm 4.00pm – 6.00pm 4.00pm – 6.00pm 9.30am – 12.30pm Classes

St kilda stage 2 master plan endorsed version may 2017

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to support infrastructure and the ongoing tourism agenda. 11 Environmental Significance Context The Barker Inlet, St Kilda area and the adjoining mangrove creeks serve as important nursery areas

Pack f1 composting

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bacteria live for 20 to 30 minutes! Whilst alive many help feed plants converting nutrients to soluble forms for plants. Some are known for “fixing” nitrogen an important plant nutrient, adding

City of salisbury infrastructure guidelines march 2019

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a Matrix of Design Considerations which highlights the synergies between healthy by design and a range of other key design agendas in order to support an integrated approach to urban design and reduce