Programs for schools
Green Adelaide is committed to an environmentally sustainable future. Its vision is for a cooler, greener, wilder and climate resilient city that celebrates our unique culture; and to achieve this nature education is key.
It's vital for our whole community, young and old, to have daily opportunities to connect to the world around them and take action to protect it. That's why Green Adelaide funds a nature education program, with the Green Adelaide Education Officers in the Northern region being hosted at the City of Salisbury.
Green Adelaide Education Officers support schools and community groups to create meaningful experiences in their local environment, and to plan and deliver sustainability projects that have an ongoing impact. They do this by providing planning tools and resources; sharing case studies and ideas from others; providing online training opportunities; and linking groups who are working on similar initiatives.
If you would like to receive regular emails about upcoming teacher training, youth voice events, new resources and grant opportunities, please subscribe to the Green Adelaide mailing list.

Youth Environment Council
The Green Adelaide team supports and delivers the Youth Environmental Council (YEC) of South Australia. The YEC is for young people aged 11-17, which aims to raise youth awareness and encourage learning and involvement in our environment, and empower young people to take action on environmental issues. Participating students are given the skills and knowledge to run their own environmental action projects in their local community.
The YEC is a joint initiative of the Department for Education and the Green Adelaide Board (Department of Environment and Water). State-wide support and coordination for the YEC are delivered through partnerships with other South Australian Landscape Boards and environmental agencies.
Applications for the YEC open at the beginning of each calendar year, with a limited number of places available. For more information or to apply for the YEC, please visit the Youth Environment Council Website
Contact us
The Northern Green Adelaide Education team is based in the City of Salisbury.
Melissa Steele
Green Adelaide Education Coordinator
M: 0403 150 980
Naomi Findlay
Green Adelaide Education Officer
M: 0401 984 743
Tabatha Pettigrew
Green Adelaide Education Officer
M: 0401 984 764
For further information on the services offered, downloadable resources and more, please visit the Green Adelaide website.