Previous Legends Awards Winners
2017 Living Legends
Salisbury Stitcher's Inc.
Salisbury Stitchers truly is a hidden gem of the City of Salisbury.
It began in 1991 when Carolyn Wall posted an expression of interest notice in the local paper to form a craft group. It attracted people from as far as the Barossa valley, Henley Beach and Glenalta to join local people from Salisbury, Pooraka, Elizabeth, Golden Grove and many suburbs in between.
Salisbury Stitches became an incorporated body in December 1993, and since 16 September 1994 the group has been located at the Scout Hall on Orange Avenue in Salisbury. Their membership swelled to approximately 130 people. At present they have a membership of 68 with ages ranging from 40 to 90 years.
They may not be a charity, but they have demonstrated many significant charitable deeds. Many, many hours have been spent designing, cutting and sewing beautiful patchwork quilts, baking for morning teas, candle wicking and even creating teddy bears to help raise money for charity or to donate to a baby, child or adult in need of care and comfort.
Salisbury Stitches has helped people in Africa, Kosovo, Vietnam and Borneo to name a few. Locally, donations have been made to the Royal Adelaide Hospital, Leukaemia Foundation, Can Do for Kids, Novita, Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, the Royal Flying Doctor Service, Heart Kids, the Northern Area Domestic Violence Centre, Angel Flights, victims of the Victoria bushfires, trauma teddies for the South Australian Police Force to comfort traumatized adults and children, the Red Cross, Salisbury Meals on Wheels and many more. The oncology department at the Lyell McEwen Hospital has received approximately 200 quilts, and group members are currently working on a donation for people suffering from muscular dystrophy.
Salisbury Stitches has succeeded in making a positive difference in the lives of others for more than two decades and are highly deserved winners of the Living Legend Award.

2017 Legends Working Legend
Michael Mangos
Michael Mangos, of Salisbury North, has been the Director of SA Structural for more than 15 years.
The company and its projects speak for themselves including the new SA Medical Research Institute, The Adelaide Convention Centre, Burnside Village Shopping Centre, SA Health Medical Research Institute and Rowlands Apartments – just to name a few.
Mr Mangos has shown leadership in supporting the City of Salisbury community through the creation of opportunities, whether that be by providing apprenticeships, involving local university students in research projects or employing ex-automotive workers who have been displaced by the close of GM Holden.
SA Structural has three premises throughout the City of Salisbury including at Salisbury North and Pooraka. Their success and commitment to growing their business locally has been further reinforced after purchasing a 10,000-square metre facility at Edinburgh as their new headquarters.
This was a significant investment for their business and one that shows SA Structural is committed to the City of Salisbury and growing their business even further.

2017 Working Legend - Mayors Commendation
Cameron Benham
Cameron Benham is a young entrepreneur from Mawson Lakes who, at the age of 14, started a monthly board game based event called ‘The Big Game Theory’.
This has grown into an online store at which offers a large selection of board games and associated products while also promoting his monthly events.
These are currently run from The Whitehorse Inn at Bolivar and bring together families and groups in a welcoming and social environment.
Cameron has organised events as large as 600 attendees, working with volunteers and community groups. For the past three years he has run the tabletop gaming section for Avcon at the Adelaide Convention Centre and is about to host an event for Hybrid World Adelaide – all while currently studying Year 12.

2017 Active Legend
Elaine Figallo
Elaine Figallo, of Paralowie, has been a respected stalwart northern suburbs cricket for more than 30 years.
Prior to stepping down from the Para Districts Cricket Association during the AGM in August, Elaine had served 26 years on the Executive Committee including the past eight seasons as President. Throughout this time Elaine has been instrumental in the development of cricket, particularly for juniors and women.
Elaine played a key role in the development of the Para Districts Cricket Association’s junior program some 30 years ago. Initially offering Under 14s and Under 16s, the Under 12 competition was later added to allow children of all ages to play cricket. Throughout this time, Elaine helped her local Paralowie Cricket Club to field seven teams in the Association, which grew from 40 to 60 teams.
Elaine was instrumental in the foundation of the Association’s women’s competition, which will celebrate its 20th year this season. This has been widely recognised as one of the first community cricket competitions for women in Australia, with other associations only now beginning to establish similar programs. This highlights Elaine’s vision and leadership.
As Association President, Elaine always made decisions considering the interests of the affiliated clubs and their members. Through her leadership, there are now more programs available than ever before for juniors, seniors and women to participate in cricket in the northern suburbs, allowing members of the community to emulate their heroes regardless of their ability or stage of development.

2016 Living Legend
Christopher Moore
Christopher Moore is a financial expert – and in 2009 he started his own company called ‘Life Financial Planning’.
It is through this company that Christopher has provided pro-bono services for less fortunate residents struggling with their finances including through mentoring and personal support. This work saw him recognised by the Financial Planning Association of Australia with the Future 2 Community Service Award in 2015.
Christopher established Salisbury’s Container of Hope program, which sends shipping containers of donated and recycled goods to communities both overseas and in Australia that are in need. To date about 30 container loads have been distributed and there are more in the pipeline.
Christopher has also been involved in a wide range of other community groups and organisations such as school councils, church, advisory boards, and he is currently the President of the Salisbury Rotary Club.

2016 Working Legend
Geoff Thiel
Geoff Thiel has been leading the operations of R.M Williams for more than 20 years as Chief Operating Officer at the base at Salisbury South.
Geoff is well known as a tireless worker and manager devoted to developing, coaching and mentoring.
While manufacturing in Australia has been in decline over the past decade, Geoff has increased both capacity and staffing at R.M Williams with the workforce more than doubling over the past 10 years.
He has been a strong vocal advocate for better employment outcomes for families living the Northern Suburbs. Geoff played a leading role in the Dare To Lead program, which gave opportunities to disengaged indigenous students and hosted family days where local indigenous elders were able to visit the plant.
He has also been on a number of local Boards, most notably Northern Economic Leaders, which brings business leaders together to discuss innovative ways of supporting and growing economic activity in Northern Adelaide.

2016 Working Legend – Mayor’s Commendation
Carol Bennett
Carol Bennett has been a long time business owner in Salisbury.
She has been heavily involved with the Salisbury City Centre Business Association and was appointed Chair in 2014. When the Association lost its long-standing Executive Officer, Carol… who was due to retire from the Board… stepped up to provide stability and leadership for an additional 12 months, supporting the new committee and Chairperson.
She is passionate about business in Salisbury and has been a tireless advocate for local traders.

2016 Active Legend
Heart Foundation Walk Organisers - Salisbury
The Salisbury Heart Foundation Walk Organisers provide opportunities for residents to live a healthy lifestyle by providing FREE and regular opportunities to get active and socialise.
Salisbury has more than 70km of fantastic trails and reserves such as the Little Para, Dry Creek and Cobbler Creek trails.
Having natural resources and infrastructure is one thing – but giving people the confidence and motivation to walk and explore is another.
That’s why this group is so valuable. Heart Foundation Walking is Australia’s only national network of free, community based walking groups, led by volunteer Walk Organisers.
The first Heart Foundation Walking group started in Salisbury in 2005. There are now 11 groups, more than 250 registered walkers and 28,430 walks have been achieved.
These volunteer group leaders inspire. They are improving the lives of people in the Salisbury community and even get involved in major events such as the annual Salisbury Christmas Parade.
Pictured are Christine Hillier (left), Christine Schreiber, Lorraine Thalbourne, Leanne Cowen, Janet Higgins, Paulina Knowles and Michael Crabb. Absent: Ambika and Indira Dulal, Ursula Klok, Robyn Pettitt.

2015 Living Legend
Volunteers Of The Home Assist Program
Volunteers in the Home Assist program provide an invaluable service to the Salisbury community.
They give their time and effort in supporting community members who are frail, aged and people with a disability to help them maximise their independence.
Home Assist volunteers provide more than just a service, they enhance the quality of life for many individuals within the Salisbury community who would otherwise not be able to remain independent within their own homes.

2015 Working Legend
Kim Mcnamara, of Kjm Contractors
This innovative company continues to expand its capabilities and value-add to its services wherever possible. KJM Contractors does everything from logistic support, engineering and remote site assistance for the mining, exploration and geothermal industries to food catering, food services, transport, hire, and any potable water, wastewater or industrial water treatment requirements. Mr McNamara’s company has a long history of investment and commitment to the City of Salisbury.
Over the past two decades the once small company has grown to employ more than 300 people across a diverse range of services, and KJM Contractors recently relocated from Salisbury South to a new $18 million headquarters in Edinburgh Parks.
In 2013, Mr McNamara was named National Winner in the Services category at the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year Awards.
Pictured is Tim Murton receiving the award on behalf of Kim McNamara.

2015 Active Legend
Simon Moran
As President, Mr Moran has turned the Salisbury Amateur Athletics Club into one of the most competitive and fastest growing in the State, with membership increasing by almost one third and members are being attracted from well beyond the Council boundary and even interstate. Mr Moran was integral in developing the popular Salisbury Runs Program and Carisbrooke Classic, and forged a strong relationship between Salisbury Amateur Athletics Club and local Little Athletics clubs to create recognised pathways for children to develop into senior athletes.
Mr Moran is one of the highest qualified athletics coaches in the State and nationally. He is the only person in SA and one of only seven across Australia qualified as an International Association of Athletics Federation Level 3 middle and long distance coach. He also provides coaching services to programs and squads run by Athletics SA, SA Little Athletics and the Sunraysia Academy of Sport.

2013 Living Legends
Leah Campbell
Leah Campbell is engaging young people to re-enter the classroom through her innovative teaching methods in order for them to complete their education.
Leah’s journey has not been easy, but she has overcome adversity. As the sole parent of a teenage boy with learning difficulties and complex behavioural issues Leah does not leave these difficulties at home when going to work. Working in a classroom of up to 30 young people who are disengaged with learning, Leah uses the skills learnt as a parent to help these young people re-engage with their education.
Wayne Dobbins
A stalwart of the community, Wayne Dobbins has been leading Burton Primary School for 23 years and the Pines and Settlers Farm Primaries prior to this to help young people achieve their aspirations and dreams.
Wayne has been an inspiration leader for many years having worked tirelessly to help grow the youth of Salisbury. Along with work in education, Wayne has been an active member of the City of Salisbury cultural committee, helped to formulate the Salisbury Emergency Relief Fund and the Salisbury Community Organisation Against Poverty.
Aubrey Gannon
A fundraiser and a passionate musician, Aubrey Gannon has been bringing music to life for more than 50 years, lighting up people’s lives along the way. The list of musical organisations Aubrey has been involved with is a long one, including the Para Hills Brass Band where she was the musical director, the Young People’s Orchestra, Northern Community Music School, the Northern Light Operatic Society, and the Camerata Singers. As an educator, fundraiser and musician, Aubrey has had a great impact on the culture of the City of Salisbury.
Bev Christerson JP
Volunteering her time to others, Bev Christerson JP, believes it’s the little things that add up to make a real difference. After spending 40 years teaching, much of it in the Salisbury area, Bev has continued to enrich our community. She was a regular blood donor, and when she could no longer donate blood Bev started volunteering at the blood bank. Bev has also assisted the Sudanese community in Salisbury by meeting with them and helping to inform them of Red Cross services available to them. In addition to this wonderful work with the Red Cross, Bev is also a dedicated and hardworking JP, often offering her services at three locations over many days.
Colin Jeffs
His commitment to looking out for others is what led Colin Jeffs to start his local Neighbourhood Watch whilst continuing to volunteer for a variety of organisations. Over the past 30 years Colin has volunteered his time in various capacities across the City of Salisbury including working with various football clubs, both as umpire and coach and have been an office bearer at Para Hills Tennis club for over 30 years. Colin has helped to maintain the clubrooms for the Para Hills Cubs and Scouts. He was a founding member of his local Neighbourhood Watch for 11 years and continues as a zone coordinator. He has been treasurer for the North-Eastern Parkinson’s Support Group for the last six years.
Dr Linda Vining
The heartbeat of Mawson Lakes, Dr Linda Vining brings the community together to become one. Dr Vining is dedicated to her community and committed to the residents of Mawson Lakes, in particular through the wonderful Mawson Lakes Living magazine. Dr Vining has developed a series of guides on the Mawson Lakes area and run numerous community events including for the gardening group and music group.
Paul Wojtkowski
Sociable, supportive and admired by his peers, Paul Wojtkowski believes in inspiring others to grow into exceptional human beings, just like himself. Paul contributed to the community in Salisbury and beyond as a member of the Air League for the past 11 years, currently holding the impressive title of ‘Squadron Officer Commanding’. He leads 30 cadets in the day-to-day running of the squadron, gives up a lot of free time to attend community events and provides social, personal and emotional support to other young people.
Rosalie Handke
Rosalie Handke is devoted, caring and selfless having volunteered with Meals on Wheels for 20 years and the Red Cross for the past decade. Rosalie is a committed member of the Uniting Church team and supports disadvantaged community members through fundraising – all without any expectation of receiving a thank you or acknowledgement. She also provides respite care for friends to provide them with a much needed rest each month.
2012 Living Legends
Maureen Morton
Maureen’s passion is offering educational opportunities for young people to make them aware of the excellent career options available in science and related fields. She is passionate about the career opportunities that are available now, and in the future in Northern Adelaide. This strong personal interest is demonstrated through her present involvement in the Mawson Lakes Science Week committee and her influence on Rotary to sponsor students to attend the National Science Experience. In addition to this, Maureen gives her time generously to a range of groups and activities at Mawson Lakes. Maureen is a role model to other seniors and has inspired others to become more actively involved in their community.
Brian Menadue
Always going above and beyond, Brian has tirelessly given his time volunteering for a number of community organisations and programs in the Salisbury area. The level of commitment, leadership, dedication and passion Brian has put into all the volunteer work he has undertaken is inspirational. Brian will be the first to arrive and the last to leave; he will dedicate additional time over and above commitments to an organisation or a program. He follows up all opportunities; advocates and promotes; constantly thinks of new opportunities or ways of improving a program; and applying for funding or developing sponsorship. He will find ways of enabling all members of the community the opportunity to participate. The community greatly benefits from this level of commitment
Anita Trenwith
Anita’s work with special education classes sets her apart from the rest. She has gone beyond traditional ‘chalk and talk’ learning. She has been developing tailored science classes for special education students which led to them being an established part of the curriculum for students with special needs. Under Anita’s tutelage, some students with disabilities now successfully compete in national science challenges against mainstream students. Far from shielding children with a disability from the public eye, her students have appeared on a range of television current affairs programs to showcase their skills and promote the view that special education students should have access to good science teaching.
Bryce Routley
Bryce is an inspirational leader and dedicated to his work at Pooraka Farm Community Centre leading the committee in facilitating the business planning and networking with others in the community to provide the best practice wherever we can. Bryce is passionate about supporting the community centre where he is always looking at better ways to do business and support people in the community. Bryce goes out of his way to attend meetings with other centres and with other people and organisations in the community.
Roger Knowles
Roger is a shining light in many African, Burmese and Bhutanese communities. He has been an outstanding volunteer mentor supporting many refugees and humanitarian entrants settle within the northern region. Roger is a quiet achiever who has excelled in every task required. Roger often takes a leadership role within the program he is a fantastic role model for parents and children alike. He's a mentor, father figure and friend to many new Salisbury residents.
Nick Zissopolous
Nick is recognised in the community for the building of young leaders. He often takes students and young people out of their comfort zones to develop them to be their best. He gives his time freely and seeks no reward other than the development of those he teaches and mentors. Nick is the Head Chanter at the Parish of Saint Dimitrios, Saints Road, Salisbury. He has been leading the mixed choir there since 1990 in a voluntary capacity. In that time he has set up a free Byzantine Ecclesiastical Music School and has taught many students the ancient art of Byzantine Psalmody, many of who have gone on to chant at other Greek Orthodox churches in Adelaide and abroad
Lincoln Wood
Lincoln was instrumental in the formation of NAMIG (Northern Advanced Manufacturing Industry Group) Inc and in turn the highly successful Concept2Creation (C2C) program for schools. As one of a small group of representatives from local industry, he identified the need to assist schools and local communities in meeting the emerging workforce development needs of industries in northern Adelaide. From those early beginnings with only 5 schools and little more than 100 students involved in C2C, the program is now delivered in 26 schools to almost 3,000 students.
2011 Living Legends
Matt Fitzgerald - Charity
Matt is held in the highest regard by all people who know him within the Salisbury community and beyond. His support and care for the disabled, the blind and the unfortunate saw him being awarded the Order of Australia in 1992. In his retirement he has dedicated himself to his family and the environment – he cares for his 15 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren and grows 600 native trees in his backyard for the Trees for Life program.
Jack Buckskin – Indigenous Services
Jack is a 23 year old with an amazing sense of humour and a passion for his cultural history. His heritage stems from the native Kaurna people and he is actively working to fulfil his dream of teaching the Kaurna language and sharing his culture with the wider Salisbury community, in the hope that one day those living in the Adelaide Plains will have an understanding of the history of this land.
Barbara Wiesner - Arts
Barbara is an industry leader and a passionate Salisbury resident. She has for many years worked on establishing and supporting learning programs in Salisbury. One of her biggest contributions is her commitment to the annual Salisbury Writers’ Festival. Her industry knowledge, contacts and commitment of considerable time has ensured that Salisbury has a high profile, professional and recognised festival that attracts participants from throughout the state and country.
Rebecca Conole - Youth
Rebecca is a vibrant and enthusiastic young woman, advocating on behalf of other young people in the Salisbury community. She is a member of the City’s Youth Council and has initiated programs such as the development of 200 backpacks for homeless youth in the area. Throughout her time on Youth Council, her skills have developed considerably and she has demonstrated excellent leadership and mentoring skills in her work with others. Rebecca also dedicates much of her free time to organising and supervising youth events such as the Elizabeth Blue Light Disco and Youth Week.
Anh Oan - Humanitarian
Anh was among the hundreds of Cambodians who moved to the northern suburbs during the 1980s and has dedicated much of his life since to helping his community. President of the Khmer Buddhist Association of SA, he has made a significant contribution to the Salisbury community by helping local Cambodians live harmoniously and to integrate successfully into the local community. He is currently working to establish the unfinished headquarters of the Association which will create jobs for local youth in building and landscaping.
Roger Dennis - Community
Roger has been dedicated to helping the community and promoting the City through his 29-year involvement with Rotary. He has helped establish community facilities locally and overseas. For example, he was a key member of a group that travelled to
Fiji and the Solomon Islands and helped villagers establish community buildings and homes. In recognition of his efforts with Rotary, the group presented him with the Paul Harris Fellowship Award. Roger also helped set up the local community radio station 5PBA.
Charlie Coumi - Sport
Charlie is a boxing coach passionate about reaching out to youth who cannot afford or settle into a team sport. He endeavours to foster personal development and respect for self, others and property. After taking over the Para Hills Boxing Club in 1990 Charlie has worked tirelessly with Salisbury’s Youth and is held in high esteem by his coaches and pupils. According to his nominator, when a coach wants to extract the best from a boxer, they are often heard saying “do it for Charlie”.
2009 Living Legends
Judy Croucher - Community
A committed volunteer, Judy’s strong will, persistence and encouragement of others, along with her continued commitment to the local community, epitomises what it means to be a Living Legend. She is and has been involved in many community groups, including the Salisbury North Community Reference Group and is a founding member of Salisbury North Knit Wits, knitting garments for premature babies. Despite being in her 60s, Judy continues to promote change and positive choices to all.
Father Christos Tsoraklidis (Saw-ra-klee-dis) - Humanitarian
A pastor of the Greek Orthodox Church for more than 20 years, Father Christos provides social, emotional and spiritual support throughout the community. His broad minded and open-hearted attitude has led to a greater connection between the Armenian and Greek Orthodox communities. He has dedicated his life to charitable organisations and has embraced multiculturalism. He is a true example of someone who is committed to enhancing people’s lives.
Colin Taylor - Environment
Colin is an environmentalist who uses his spare time to help shape the community to create a sustainable future for all generations. An environmental educator he inspires others to be greener and more environmentally friendly in everything they do. He is the founder and leader of the Mawson Lakes Environment Watch and is a dedicated environmental volunteer.
Grace Bawden - Arts
This delightful, talented young lady is kind and generous beyond her years. An inspiration and role model to other young people, she shows determination to succeed and has used her singing capabilities to benefit others by donating prize money to local charities. She has strength of character and a humility which keep her grounded and a pleasure to be around.
James Potter - Historian
You could argue that James is Salisbury’s ‘living history’! Founding member of the Salisbury and District Historical Society, James spends his days dedicated to exploring the past in order to provide a better future for the City of Salisbury. He is renowned in the community for being a reference point for those requiring knowledge and input on the city.
Mary Jo Bellew - Education
Mary is a dedicated teacher who goes above and beyond to engage and inspire people to learn. She is a strong advocate for the City of Salisbury and has deep-rooted connections with the local community. She offers stability and genuinely cares about providing people with the opportunity to learn, develop and grow.
Ron & Daphne Bald - Senior
For more than half a century, this husband and wife team were dedicated to helping the Salisbury community. Despite being in their 80’s, they continued to volunteer for Council, community groups, churches and committees. They both provided support and assistance to a large number of people, groups and organisations.
Chris McDonald - Business
The heartbeat of the city centre, Chris works tirelessly to advocate for business growth and opportunities. He is a dynamic member of the community who is best known for his organisation of the annual John Martin’s Christmas Parade. Chris has helped the community and businesses far beyond his role at the Town Centre Association and is polite and understanding in the face of diversity.
2008 Living Legends
Richard Maurovic – Arts
This award-winning author and artist is pure inspiration. Richard is a passionate wordsmith who has a real love affair with Salisbury, something which is shown in his book, The Meat Game, which tells the story of the Gepps Cross Abattoirs.
Peter Cesco – Sport
Peter is a true gentleman who is heavily involved in one of the City’s many projects, the Sister Cities Program. Peter spends his spare time helping and supporting young baseball players, even accompanying them to Mobara in Japan to play. He is certainly someone who encourages everyone to ‘hit a home run’.
Irene Barker - Volunteer
With her infectious nature, Irene is considered the backbone of many community events. She has a wonderful laugh and sense of humour and is kind and considerate to all she meets. She is proud, dependable and fun!
Maurice Riddle - Community
Maurice gives a whole new meaning to the words pedal power as he cycles around Salisbury collecting syringes in order to make the parks and recreation areas safer for our children. Despite being 74, Maurice is out and about most days of the week and has pedalled more than 34,000kms.
Anthony Trittinger - Youth
This young man has turned his life around and is now a mentor and leader to many young people within the Salisbury community. Anthony is part of the aerosol art program and a volunteer at Twelve25 Salisbury Youth Enterprise Centre. He can be very proud of where he is heading.
Ian Le Raye - Charity
This Vietnam veteran is the Robin Hood of the 21st Century. He organises the collection of household goods and donates them to families in need, as well as being involved in a number of community organisations, including Neighbourhood Watch and Youth at Risk. Ian dedicates his life to the community and is very passionate.
Ly Lim - Business
As well as being a very successful businesswoman with her training business at Mawson Lakes, Ly is also a mum and wife yet she still finds time to help out within the business community. A refugee from Cambodia, Ly has overcome adversity and tough times to be the success she is today.
Auntie Cherie Watkins - Culture
A former school teacher, Auntie Cherie is an inspirational role model for young Indigenous people in our community. She is respected and loved by all who come into contact with her. She supports many Salisbury initiatives and involves herself in the Indigenous community wherever she can.
Dale Carr - Community
Dale is a father of five who lost his wife Cindy to cancer. He is an amazing man who works tirelessly on behalf of the Burton community. He is always there to lend a hand and supports a variety of programs, including coaching the Burton Bears football club, organising a monthly children’s disco and at the same time, looking after his children.
2007 Living Legends
Angelo Costanzo - Sport
Angelo has been a professional soccer player for the past 12 years and has represented the Australian National team on six occasions. He is currently the Captain of Adelaide United and is described as a ‘local boy’ who is inspirational to others.
Sandra Howell - Education
A School Services Officer at Burton Primary School, Sandra works with young children who have literacy, learning, speech and language difficulties. Sandra recently received a Learning Champion Award and the South Australian Award for Most Outstanding School Officers Curriculum.
Darren Lehmann - Sport
A great sports ambassador, Darren is a former test cricketer and has international recognition. A coach and trainer, Darren is giving back to the community through his sport programs as he organises study tours and cricket coaching.
Sister Elda Sbarra - Senior
A tireless worker, Sister Elda dedicates all her time to helping and caring for others. Her spiritual guidance is invaluable to the Italian Cultural Centre and the Italian community are very fortunate to have her support. She is a great ambassador for diversity and multiculturalism.
Ken Potter - Community
A CFS Captain, Ken contributes endless hours to fighting fires, as well as being a familiar face at Salisbury community events, managing traffic flow and safety. He is a compassionate worker with extra mile tenacity.
Kellie Tancock - Youth
Kellie is a voice within her peer group, and sits on the Salisbury North Reference Group. She is also involved with the Youth Advisory Council and volunteers for the local scouts.
Kelvin Trimper - Business
A strong supporter of the City of Salisbury’s economic development and an initiator and key driver of the innovative and nationally recognised Mawson Lakes development, Kelvin is heavily involved with the local business community. He is also a judge for the international rose garden competition and has one of the best rose gardens in South Australia. He is an entrepreneur who has helped the region develop and grow.
Dorothy Westell - Community
Dorothy continues to volunteer for a range of local organisations, including Neighbourhood Watch. She is a member of Salisbury North Community Reference Group, a parent liaison officer, a school services officer and a school governing council member and facilitates The Friends of Salisbury High.
Steve Vines & Sandra Lange - Environment
A dedicated husband and wife team, Steve and Sandra have been instrumental in supporting St Kilda Mangrove Trail, as well as looking after our dolphin population through the Australian Dolphin Research Foundation.
2006 Living Legends
Michael Trainor – International Community Award recipient
Father Michael Trainor won the International Community Service Award for his work on the internationally significant project to interpret the ancient site of Colassae in Turkey.
Bruce Tonkin – Salisbury Citizen of the Year
Described as a “terrific corporate citizen and community contributor”, well-known Salisbury Downs resident Bruce Tonkin has carried out a lifetime of community service.
Jim Hurley – racing icon
Jim’s love of horses has made him an icon of Globe Derby Park and the local racing industry. At age 81, he was still up in the early hours of the morning preparing horses for races and helping other riders.
Helen Paphitis – Salisbury High School Principal
Principal of the award-winning Salisbury High School, Helen is renowned for her determination, drive and commitment to education.
Beth Waddington – elderly volunteer
Beth is an energetic senior who aims to maximise each moment of every single day. The former nurse is a testament to staying active, and served on several committees including the CWA, City of Salisbury Task Group for the Aged and COTA.
Zibby and Joanna Kruk – father and daughter martial arts champions
Tae kwon do enthusiasts, Zibby and Joanna are both world champions in their respective fighting categories.
Cole Price – Salisbury North aerosol artist
This talented young artist has acted as project leader on various community art projects including Pooraka Skate Park and is dedicated to working with young Salisbury residents to hone their artistic skills.
Pearl Tassell – Salisbury Young Citizen of the Year
Instrumental in raising issues and lifting the profile of young people in Salisbury, Pearl Tassell began making her mark in Local Government at a young age. An enterprising businesswoman, Pearl is a part-time music teacher and has set up her own jewellery making business as well as courses to teach other young people jewellery making skills.
2005 Living Legends
Matthew Cowdrey
Living Legend Paralympic gold medallist Matthew Cowdrey achieved recognition as a swimming champion at the Athens Olympics and is an inspiration for others.
Phillipa Olsen and Alec Balayance
Living Life: Active seniors Phillipa Olsen and Alec Balayance know that keeping active is the key to longevity. The dedicated volunteers greet each day with enthusiasm, Living Life to the fullest and helping others along the way.
Denise Guest
Living It Up: There’s nothing Denise Guest enjoys more than hamming it up on the airwaves. The 5PBA-FM Station Manager is a pioneer of community-based radio, giving residents their voice. Denise loves Salisbury and is a keen advocate of Living It Up in the City.
Angela Fimmano
Living Fast: Spirited soccer player Angela Fimmano has dedicated herself to sport – her talents earning her an opportunity to train with David Beckham. For Angela, skill and dedication are her tickets to Living Fast.
Roy Magor
Living Smart: Tireless crusader Roy Magor has spent more than half his life helping to better young lives. As a school principal and tennis coach, Roy strives for excellence each and every day, standing as a reminder to us all that the key to success is Living Smart.
Alexia Cafcakis
Living Colour: Young artist Alexia Cafcakis has made her mark on Salisbury with her paintbrush, brightening the world and helping others to view their surroundings in Living Colour.
Phoebe Wanganeen
Living Together: Aboriginal elder Aunty Phoebe Wanganeen devoted her life to others, helping countless residents realise their potential through improved access to education.
Stephen Davies
Living Life: Adult educator Stephen Davies has a passion for learning. Whether it’s teaching English or sharing computing tips, this drive, combined with a desire to see others thrive, drives him to promote Living Life through knowledge.